New laws around the defect period and developer bonds have caused confusion around defects and lack of confidence in the off-the-plan market. There are currently three separate statutory warranty periods which may apply to residential buildings in NSW so it can be unclear to many new purchasers what their rights are as multiple amendments to the legislation have occurred.
We act as a non-partisan intermediary between the developer, builder, and purchasers to get any building defects rectified efficiently. We act in the best interests of all parties and through our rigorous processes and procedures and establish a clear line of communication. We also provide a complete key handover service to ensure peace of mind throughout the settlement process.
Our cloud-based online platform allows for the seamless real-time communication of defect rectification work. Purchasers are provided with full transparency through a personal account which allows them to track defect rectification works and settlement timeframes.
This ensures there is no loss of information and matters are not double handled leading to far better efficiencies while ensuring the responsibilities of all parties have been met.
Purchasers who are involved in the defect process, guided through the defects procedure, and provided with a transparent window into the progress come away happy and satisfied with their purchasing decision.